The 'Highly Questionable' Reboot Looks Great

data-mm-id=”_qfau3lsi5″>21 Savage and Donald Glover just dropped a trailer for American Dream: The 21 Savage Story. We're still a bit unclear as to when the biopic will drop beyond the promise of "coming soon." At 4 minutes and 19 seconds long and with plenty of style to spare, it's a standalone work of art on its own and that should portend good things for the full-length feature. But that's not what's most important right now. What's most important comes at the 2:47-mark. Wait a minute. That looks familiar. Three fellas who look like that sitting at a table like that in front of palm trees like that with a lower corner graphic that looks like that? By god, that's Highly Questionable's music!We cannot wait to see how this could possibly fit…